I've been quite psyched for this release for sometime now (especially since i have less money to play around with now) and according to the animegod website, it's finally on the way and due out soon.
Needless to say, i'll be first in line. I just hope there aren't any missing subs

But if there are, well, I guess it'll be time to crack out that dub

Personally, I'm a lot more excited about Steel Angel Kurumi and Gate Keepers perfect editions, hehe.

Quote:Originally posted by Duragon
But if there are, well, I guess it'll be time to crack out that dub
...you'll be sorry...j/p. The dub is ok.

I can't get excoted about this, since I'm going to get the R1's for Berserk. It's just too good an anime and they made such a cool box for it that I have to go with the R1's this time.
Is FX taking a pass at this awesome series?!
Probably, but knowing Flora, he won't say anything till it's done at the presses

Ehh, the old Berserk sets are good enough for me.
I'm also more interested in Gatekeepers also and the World Masterpiece Theaters sets they have on the AC coming soon list