I'm always like that, I treat stupid and slow people with disdain...and in the end, when I mispell a word in front of some people, they have to correct me. I was tired and kept spelling "brake" as "break" so my friend got all huffy about it. All I could was "so what?" and that struck a nerve. so in the end, there are some that just go way above and beyond the scope of nit picking...
Wow that really kinda diverged there, didn't it?
I think Intellegence discrimnation is one of the most rampant types of discrimination out there. No longer do people care what color you are, or who your ancestors were, that's not important anymore. It's what's upstairs that counts.
Now, I don't mean that just because someone is a little dense, that I am going to treat them as subhuman. I am going to change my approach so that they understand what I am trying to communicate. I'll treat them differantly, but not badly.
As far as the spelling thing, I consider myself fairly intellegent, and I can't spell worth beans.
I'm sure all of us here are guilty of that. Sometimes I actually go into a mad rage over the stupidity of others (especially when driving).
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
I think Intellegence discrimnation is one of the most rampant types of discrimination out there. No longer do people care what color you are, or who your ancestors were, that's not important anymore. It's what's upstairs that counts.
You think that's bad. I don't even like to deal with my own parents. They're foreign and it takes them longer to understand things. I am not one who likes to explain something more than once. So I explain it to my little brother and let him deal with them.
By the way, you misspelled "intelligence". :p I know, you said you can't spell. I, on the other hand, used to win spelling bees and stuff as a kid. So it actually annoys me when I see misspelled words sometimes. I can spell, I just can't type. That's why alot of times I'll go back and proofread my posts to make sure I didn't make any typing errors.
I was the master of sounding words out, but thanks to the english language, we get plenty of words that are just plain screwy (luscious anyone?). So it comes to the point when Words don't sound the way their spelled that give people a trip. However, when people saw "pwn" is obnoxious.
I guess i'm guilty of intelligence discrimination too as sometimes I can be quite nasty to slow people and people who have trouble understanding things. Quite frankly, it makes me feel like shit when I do it :mad: .
I don't mean to do it, but it just happens. I guess i'm a walking paradox - I hate people who try and take the intellectual high ground over others, yet i'm often find myself doing the same.

not necessarily a paradox...just a hypocrite

Paradox... hypocrite... why split hairs eh?

z-row. ZEe-ro, sy-ro allll the way!:p
I hate people.
Well maybe I don't hate you guys.

People, as a whole, are stupid, but it's individuals, who think outside the box, that keep us from killing ourselves.
As I see, You are one of the people until I have met you. Then I make the decision as to whether I consider you an intelligent individual, or still one of the horde. (That's just a personal thing, though.)
Hehe, I have no way of determining if people exist unless I meet you all. In that case, you're all automated messages that some puppetmaster is controlling (except for the few people who I traded with who had real addresses).
Yes master, I will talk to Kakomu.
Seriously though, Intelligence Discrimination is stupid and is something I won't ever do. I don't judge people based on meeting them. I think this starts to go from knowledge to common sense because I read somebody mention driving. I hate people who lack common sense, because they can put themselves and others at risk. Though it's like in Good Will Hunting and the famous bar scene. Who really gives a rat's ass if you can recite something out of a text book, because it doesn't mean much in the real world if you can't apply it to every day life where it counts.
People who don't have a degree from "high education" can still understand everything I would say, just maybe not the pointless Kelley-Bessmer Process or Milkan's Oil Drop Experiment.
In fact nothing angers me more than seeing stupid college kids that think they are above everybody else because their parents are spending $35,000, so they can smoke weed and get drunk all the time. Let them put on their AE outfits and $200 pairs of shoes. If this is what it means to be "intelligent" than I want to be considered a "fucking moron".
I don't think most college kids are smart nor do i think higher education is a given. I know people who are into poli-sci and can't argue themselves out of jack because all they do is quote their new source (whether it be CNN or FOx News) and talk junk.
A good example would be someone asking me about gun control. I gave my answer (I won't tell you what it is). then he asks this question: "ok, in that case, what do you think of controlling assault rifles and other automatic weapons?". The obvious answer: "They're already illegal". His reply: "No they're not, the columbine kids had automatic weapons".
At this point I had to explain to him various laws of firearms, all the way from the ban on automatic weapons in the 70s and 80s, straight up to the limit on the amount of bullets in a gun's clip (all pistols are no longer allowed to have any more than 10 bullets in them). This had the effect on me that this kid knew nothing more than what he read in some sort of cynical liberal media article and the problem perpetuates itself for people who only read articles written by either liberals or conservatives, people who believe exactly what Fox news and CNN tell them and just don't actually research what is said.
Anyone can memorize a passage as yuo just said. In that case, I really don't find people who memorize things to be all that smart (as was the case in that argument I had, the kid just remembered an article he read and took it to heart), whereas people who are able to formulate what they have to say when they need to with out any sort of help from the news or other media I deem a lot more sound of mind.
Don't get me started on gun control. I could argue it till the cows come home, and I'd have something to back up my side, experience.