I am interested in your Ranma Season 1&2 (FX)
Also interested in your Ranma S1 and 2 (FX) and Trigun (FX), anything you want from my list?
are you there? this is my want list: (again)
Utena the movie (AS)
Escaflowne Perfect (FX) - no movie
Trigun Perfect (FX)
Hi guys,
Sorry Von and Ekin, I have nothing I'm interested in from your lists. Bumperboy, I'm interested in your Kenshin Perfect sets
. I noticed the first part was FX and the second was from MI. I assume they're connected and the same quality? Also, they're 12 dics total and you're only interested in the 7 discs that I have. Is there anything else you want?
Quote:Originally posted by irissschan
Bumperboy, I'm interested in your Kenshin Perfect sets . I noticed the first part was FX and the second was from MI. I assume they're connected and the same quality? Also, they're 12 dics total and you're only interested in the 7 discs that I have. Is there anything else you want?
the MI version is a rip of FX so it's the same thing as FX. sorry but part 1 is pending out. do you want to trade your trigun + escaflowne for my kenshin tv part 2 (MI)?
Hi bumperboy,
That's alrite then I don't want just part 2. Thanks anyway.
i'm still alive and looking for trades
I'm interested in the following:
Detective Conan pt 1
Night Walker Perfect (MAC)
you maill box is full so I will say it here. You wanted Bandi jing? I'll trade you Night walker perfect collection for it. Pm me for more information.
sorry guys! the pm box shows messages from the last 30 days only so i keep thinking i don't have that many messages...oops :o
anyways, it's all clear out so pm me!!!
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
you maill box is full so I will say it here. You wanted Bandi jing? I'll trade you Night walker perfect collection for it. Pm me for more information.
i pm'ed you back ^^
updated...not much to add guys as i haven't been buying much anime lately...anyone wanna recommend something good?