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Full Version: Age and Gender Demographic
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19, male, o yeah Wink
20 -
21 male

any chicks here at all lol
if so like my sexy avatar :p
18 male over here
22, female, trying to staying my 20's as long as i can..... Big Grin
male- 16 will be 17 in a month
female 45 .. now I really do feel old.. laugh...
Male, 18. 19 in March.
17 Male , I'll be 18 in May
21 Female and most likely drunk... :p
Male - 19 almost 20.

male 22 and luv'n it
16 - Male and i have to legthen my message to ten characters
Male- 25

.....I just found that you neeed a minimum of 10 characters to post. Rolleyes
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