Okay, so the big selling point on The Animatrix seems to be that they hired a bunch of Japanese Anime Artists to make a few "mini-movies"(I don't know if that is the right term) about the Matrix. So, is it cartoon content toting itself as Anime, or is it legit?
its worth it, under 20 bucks for a bunch of shorts about the universe of the matrix... also flight of the osiris part is a direct link between matrix 1 and 2 (all that talk about pictures of machines digging happens in that short)
I saw it in theatres on big screen (it was shown with Dreamcatcher a few months before Matrix release) very cool stuff
I just saw the whole thing for the first time last night. It was definitely worth it. About 5 or 6 of the episodes are true anime, with some fuzzy areas inbetween (like the guy who did Aeon Flux and Reign did one, I don't know if you consider that anime or not.)
Oddly enough, the most impressive and inventive animation was in the two pieces that were blatantly not anime (4 and 6.)
For all nine pieces taken as a whole, it is really excellent. I loved it.
Good enough for me. Thanks!
If you enjoyed "Matrix Reloaded" you should like "Animatrix". Personally I thought both were complete garbage.:mad:
Well, "The Martix Reloaded" kind of had me waiting for it to finish. It was good, but way too hectic and hurried. All will be forgiven if "Revolutions" blows us away. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I thought the Animatrix was far superior as art than the Matrix Reloaded, with a couple of exceptions.
dont bother the animatrix is a piece of shit, 9 very short arty films with mostly pathetic story lines that are nearly as bad as the matrix reloaded. and lots of it has a very american feel to it so i didnt really consider it anime. although its pretty cool that you can notice all the directors different styles in each piece and the special features arent too bad as well as the low price. but still i though it was shit
Wow, Seems everyone has had a differant opinion about Animatrix. You either really liked it or you really didn't. Well, I did order Animatrix. I'll let you guys know what I think soon enough. Thanks.
There was ONE story that I liked a little. It is called "Detective Story", but it still wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I would suggest renting it, but since you already bought it there isn't much else I can tell you.

yea, detective story was pretty damn cool, although i thought it was a bit brief. if wantanabe made a tv series of it (even if it included the matrix) i would certainly buy it! although it was very cliche.
Well, I finally got to see Animatrix...
I was disgusted at some of the parts, particalarly within the "Second Renaissance I & II". Good info, a little graphic. I really liked "Final Flight of the Osiris." It was worth the money, but I don't know how often I'll watch it.
Second Rennisance I found sick, also. Especially part two. I cringe thinking it.
I didn't buy it, just watched it at a friends house. It was really good, overall, I thought. Yeah, Dectective Story was probably my favorite, also. I loved the art style, and how it was in black and white. And I dug how the detective is telling his story like it was past tence

The story about the haunted house was cool too, if just for all the awesome things they did in it.
Those two, plus the New Renniscane (albiet slightly disturbing) are worth buying it for. The others are pretty good too.