I just got a new hair cut and I feel like an utter tool. It looks so bad, because the banks are too damn short. Sonuvabitch.
They're called "bangs", but I"m sure you looked like a complete tool even without the haircut.

Your classic typo. Just thinking about paying for YUA with my debit card. :p
I've always looked like a tool, but now I just look like Shinji's father with the close hair cut and beard.

cool..post some pics up

Don't know if you can even see it. I've been growing my hair out long to spike it up. Now if only it would go golden when I power up.

Sounds good... I'm waiting to get my hair cut shorter, then I'm dying the front purple. I can't wait!!!!
I've had too many bad haircuts to recount. Only because my hair is curly. I have a collick up front and my hair will do a wave from the back of my head to the front when it's going forward. I've usually been able to find a person somewhere to cut my hair, but so far the only barber around my house now was too incompetent (Pretty pathetic since I asked him for a haircut to meet Air Force regulations).
I'm well over due for hair cut. Normally my hair is 1/2 inch all over, but now it's about to reach the 3 inch line. I would get it cut, but I'm to busy/lazy to leave the house for long.
I guess that's not a good excuse considering my dad cuts my hair.
I don't understand what the big deal is with you guys and haircuts. I usually go and get mine cut every 4 weeks.
Your hooked on hair cuts man. It's a new addiction.
I haven't had a hair cut in quite some time.

I'm the same way bro. :p Well until now. :eek:
Me and schultz get a new hair cut almost every two weeks sometimes I can stretch it to 3 weeks though
My superiors (mostly just the seniors) almost always scold me for not getting haircuts enough