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Happy birthday man! 24 now! Before you know it, you will be looking at the big 3-0... with a receeding hairline...*grins*... oh wait... I am facing that exact same fate... Doh! .... *kicks himself*
yeah Happy Birthday man
Happy Birthday Schultz
Happy Birthday, Schultz, you old geezer you. Wink
Happy birthday! Enjoy the rest of your day and many more happy returns in the years to come.
Happy Birthday to the guy I don't know!!! No just kidding, but have a good one!
yea, happy birthday dude! i wish i could send you a present but i dont know where you live, and i have no money. hey its the thought that counts.
I'll put a kitten in the ATM just for you.
Happy Birthday. Now get back to watching some more anime. You're not getting any younger you know. Cool
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Happy Birthday. Now get back to watching some more anime. You're not getting any younger you know. Cool

hehe thanks everyone..

but thats the big delima watch more anime (which i have plenty of stuff i haven't seen) or work on new features for the site.. pretty big dilema for me.. ;o)
*showers Schultz with Turbo Grafx-16 game cards*

Happy Birthday!
You're not getting older, just closer to death. ^_^

I had a birthday recently too. Happy Birthday Bro.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCHULTZ!!!!!! Man I'm Turning 22 on June 5th So I guess I'm a step closer to death as well!!! Hey maybe we will have neighboring graves!!!!One can only hope! Anyhoo! Hope you have/had a good one!
I know it's kinda late, but Happy Birthday anyway.
HAppy B-Day Bro oh I didn't forget you will get your B-day gift... just you wait... HAve to see what the wife got him first you know... and then see what he has on order... man it is a pain to buy for this guy just to let you all know...
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