I once d/led a chapter of Kenshin, but wasn't interested, so a year or less later when I saw the only manga in my life at some book store I thought it was useless, but I d/led a bit more a few weeks ago, & now I CAN'T STOP! It's like life force.
I'm searching for every bit of Zombie Powder, which I think only up to vol 4 has been translated, or atleast it's all that I found on one site. 666 Satan is cool, & I think my most favorite will end up being HunterXHunter.
Anyone know other titles I should check out?
you mean that youve been posting on this forum for like a year and you dont even like anime? i was wondering why you never posted in the anime part of the forum
Yeah, I watch anime, but I was talking about the comics. I never really liked them till now.
oh right, well some manga is class and some is just dodgy, in comparssion to the anime that is.
Most manga is infinitely better than it's anime counter part.
I'm not to sure about that claim, I've never seen an anime that I've also read the manga of.
I spend every minute I'm on-line d/ling, then read it alnight, & the next day, & by then I've read all I have so I go back to d/ling.
i don't think real manga is for me. Off to AD to explain.
Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku. Great stuff. Same with Ranma 1/2, Rumik World and One Pound Gospel. Great stuff.
Long live Rumiko Takahashi.

Make sure to get the japanese Ranma. The english is terrible.

yeah, I like manga and collect a little at a time but im mostly into anime at the moment since I dont really have the money to collect alot of manga and alot of anime so I choose anime because HK is cheaper than manga. there are pros and cons to both sides.
I am currently collecting initial D and downloading GANTZ. I hate downloading chapter by chapter, I was pretty board today so i copied and pasted every page of GANTZ volume 1 into a powerpoint.
you put it into powerpoint to make it easier to read? If so go to the manga section at
http://www.toriyamaworld.com & d/l the manga view. That way you can kill boredom by reading instead of doing slightly pointless things to waste time.
naw, I can just read it through picture viewer. I just put it in a power point for fun...
ifranview is the best for reading scanslations
dude, you gotta read GTO its fuckin rocks!!!!!! does anyone know where i can download the manga for free?