ive only read animerica, new type as far as anime magizines go and ive read shonen jump, super manga blast and animerica extra as for monthly comic magazines. but in your opinion what is the best of each? this discussion does not include shitty american-manga shit. that just sucks.
For Anime info, etc. Newtype USA, definantly.
For monthly comics, Shonen Jump is fantastic, and I highly reccomend you support this comic. It's THE most widely sold anime/manga magazine.
Megami Magazine is an excellent import magazine from Japan, it contains all kinds of mini-poster of bishoujos! It is in Japanese, but who needs to understand it when you have all those kawaii bishoujos staring back at you!

You can get it through AnimeNation sometimes, or you can subscribe to it through them.
Protoculture Addicts is an interesting anime Canadian magazine, it does contain more reviews than Newtype USA. However, I like Newtype USA over Protoculture Addicts.
Hehe, Protoculture Addicts is written by a bunch of frenchies. Its a good magazine but it aint as flashy as Newtype USA (it's in B&W and no demo DVD) but I find it to be more objective and independant than the other ones.
I'll have to go with Animerica.
l brought Animerica recently and its so crap, Newtype is far much superior, content and presentation wise.
I like Anime Invasion/Insider. It doesn't go in depth as some of the other ones, but I still like the way it's set up.
at the moment im buying them all and i cant really decide which to choose. magizine-wise newtype is well in the lead but i still cant decide on a monthly comic thingy or if i even want one cause they are all a bit dodgy. then again shonen jump has one piece!
Newtype USA is the one I subscribe to. It's a gorgeous magazine.. It helps to be into HK stuff or at least fansubbed shows from Japan, as I think the casual fan won't know what shows are being referred to most of the time and they assume that you already know the basic plots of most anime. As far as Manga mags, I subscribe to Jump, because..well.. It's cheap.

I enjoyed raijin issue #0 but I just can't afford their subscription rates, although getting a weekly manga at home would be fantastic.
Get Newtype. Best anime mag you can get here, without needing to know japanese of course.

Newtype (American or Japanese) definitely the best magazine.
As for manga, in the US I like Raijin and Japan I like Afternoon.
Raijin is a great publication.:o
I don't buy anime/manga mags anymore (although I might start again), but I used to get a UK publication called Manga Mania.
Sadly, it's extinct, but during its time it re-printed all of Akira, two vols of Appleseed, Dominion, Bubblegum, Adam Warren's Dirty Pair and a lot more as well anime reviews/features.
It was a blessing because it was damned hard getting anything to do with anime/manga in the UK in the early 90s.
Prophet Hero manga mania was quite the magazine, i had loads of them! they also printed some quality manga like akira and striker. and your right it was damn hard to get anything anime in the uk and heck it still is
I have a few issues of manga mania as well. It was a decent magazine. I really liked the article in the back every month.