I just got a PS2 for my Birthday. I was wondering if you guys could make some recommendations of good Action,Adventure, RPG, or Anime-esque games for the PS2...
Example:Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga, Dual Hearts, Gitaroo Man, .hack...etc.
Thanks! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Gitaroo Man is great, I would recommend Suikoden 3 and GTA Vice City for starters.....good games all around you for PS2 though.
Buy XBOX, Mod it, never pay for another game again ^_~
Splinter Cell. 'Nuff said.
2 towers. I thought it was a good action game.
Well since it is a great game and nothing more I'd have to go with...
Wild Arms 3 and Suikoden 3...
Finally the PS2 has a 25% to 75% good game to crapy game ratio...
Before you buy any PS2 game do your home work. You know your likes and
dislikes in video games. Ask around if someone is in tune with what you like ask them. What they like will help you chose a great game to one you trade in at Funcoland...

Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"
Buy XBOX, Mod it, never pay for another game again ^_~
LOL...I did the same thing with Dreamcast. ^_^
Must buy games for PS2...
Final Fantasy X
Kingdom Hearts
Maximo (you can get this game dirt cheap by now and it is EXCELLENT)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (skip the original, get the upgrade)
Eve of Extinction (see my FAQ on GameFAQs [Berserker93]) </plug>
I would also recommend the Onimusha series.
I didn't even have to mod my dreamcast, just burn the games and play them.
Yup that was a great thing about the dreamcast just burn and play at the max you would need a bootloader disk..
I have Xenosaga. Excellent Game.
I'd have to say get GTA III.
Don't bother with Vice City unless you get a good deal on it. The extras in Vice City are really cool but I don't feel they are worth the extra cash when you can get GTA III super cheap used these days.
Also, if you like music games, then the PS2 is your system. I highly recommend picking up DDRMax and a pair of dance pads for some big time fun with friends. Also Amplitude has an incredible soundtrack. then there's Gitaroo Man which is like watching anime on crack with a fun soundtrack.
Another good game you should find in some bargain bins is ICO. This game has some great puzzles and a pretty good anime feel to it.
SSX Tricky has been my favourite racing game. It has super smooth graphics, fun characters, great course design, and super responsive controls. At least rent it once to make me happy.
I recommend Guilty Gear XX. One of the greatest games to exist. Get Metal Gear Substance as well.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Another good game you should find in some bargain bins is ICO. This game has some great puzzles and a pretty good anime feel to it.
Without a doubt. It's criminal the way this gem has been ignored. At times it's just...beautiful.
Could I hear your opinions on these games...?
Eternal Ring
Esphermeal Phantasia (I think that's how it's spelled)
Forever Kingdoms
Yanya Caballista:City Skater
Legaia Dual Saga
Harvest Moon : Save the Homeland
Robotech : Battlecry
Gungriffon Blaze
Grandia Extreme
Thanks guys.

IMO, none of those games you listed were any good except for Harvest Moon....then again, I'm a sap for any Harvest Moon games.