Ok Now I have seen everything... Some people might have seen this clip running around on the net... Of a girl pushing her car into a tight parking spot with the power of her Ki alone. I was told this was taken from a movie made in Hong Kong well it is coming to the United States enjoy...
I know I will watch it...
Shaolin Soccer is so damn stupid it makes it great. The soccer scenes were hilarious
lol looks funky

i will see it ;p
Hey my uncle is an extra in that film, and he's mates with Chow Sing Chi..true
Get ready to kick some grass??? It looked pretty dumb, but it reminded me of NBA Jam or NFL Blitz with the ball catching on fire and all these weird type of shots and moves.
You can find that movie easily on Kazaa, thats where I got it from
Ay, Matthew, that's where I just downloaded it and watched it from. And shit, that was one great movie

The old guy that smoked alot with the Iron head was my favorite character.
that looks cool.. I have a clip i will have to post it of the soccer game i belive is from this movie..
Iron Head was cool. I love how the bar guy kept bottles in his pants to break on his head. I love also how he gets the yellow card for smoking n the field ^_^ Smokers unite!! I can't wait till I can start again!
My favorite was the Bruce Lee goalie. The likeness was frightening. And he even did the "come on" finger taunt thing.
Quote:Originally posted by "Vinny"
I love also how he gets the yellow card for smoking n the field ^_^ Smokers unite!!
That was my the funniest part of the movie. It's one of the main reason he's my favorite character.
All this talk of Shaolin Soccer makes me wanna watch it again. Gonna see if my brother can get me the DVD
shaolin soccer is FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!
the bottle guys is great... so is the smoking on the field part... and the bruce lee goalie LOL
i love the part where they sing in the bar, and they keep hitting iron leg in the head, and iron head in the leg LOL "dont you understand chinese?!" hilarious... aaah, that movie is so fucking great
you guys rock!! finding people who've seen and appreciate such a great movie are awesome!

I thought the best part was when the main character gets every near a food stand to explode and break out dancing.
I have the DVD. It was a pretty good movie. Too bad the one they're releasing in the US will be a cut English-dubbed one.