R-type was really fun.
I always liked Super R-type for SNES better. I practically owned my neighbors copy of that game. :lol:
Loved Super R-type... hey do you remeber Life Force it was on the NES but let two people play it was the sequal to gradius...
Yep, actually...I still have Life Force. That's one of the few 8-bit games that I didn't trade in for a measly $1-2 back in the day. Life Force is still one of my favorite shooters. I used to play it, beat it, then play it again! :mrgreen:
Hmm. I'm a collector of sorts.
I currently own:
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Many various pong systems
Sega Master System
Nintendo NES
Original Gameboy
Gameboy pocket
Gameboy color
Atari Lynx
Sega Genesis
Sega Dreamcast
I had a Sega GameGear, Turbo Graphx, Turbo Express, 3D0, Atari Jaguar, Super Nintendo, etc. but over the years for various reasons I sold them off.
Everyone should now understand how I picked my username.

Of all the systems to keep and sell you Vidiot, sold the SNES but kept the Genesis... Oh well I want to get my hands on the SNES mini it was cool, compact, & worth of being on the road.... Hey they made a small version of the NES didn't they...? Oro Oro
Yeah, I know, I do wish I still had the SNES. I guess I could find a used one somewhere maybe eBay......hmmm.....but where the hell could I put the thing!? 8O
Yeah, they did make a small NES. I kinda wish I had one of those too. It came out right after they released the SNES. I think it was like $50.
As much as my memory serves me, here's a list of all the systems I've ever owned. All the ones with :mrgreen: after them are the ones I still own.
Odysee II
Atari 2700
Commodore 64 (people call it a computer... all I ever did was play games on it)
Sega Master system
Turbographix 16
Turbo Duo
SNES :mrgreen:
Game Boy
Game Boy Advanced
Atari Lynx
Sega Game Gear
Tiger something or other (it was really bad)
Sega Genesis :mrgreen:
Sega CD :mrgreen:
Virtual Boy :mrgreen:
Sony Playstation
Sony Playstation 2 :mrgreen:
Neo Geo Pocket
That list brings back some memories.
Notice that I never owned a classic NES... somehow I missed that one.
Got everthing except what savied the gaming market after the atari crash... how could you missed the NES
Between me and my brother, these are the systems that we have. Obviously, he had nothing to do with the earlier systems since he's 13. I don't think I'm foretting any of them.
Sega Genesis (SOLD)
Gameboy (SOLD)
Sega Gamegear
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo Gamecube
DreamCast (SOLD)
Excluding home computers:
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Advance
Playstation 2
I never sell/throw anything away - I'm just a sentimental fool.
Quote:Originally posted by "Prophet Hero"
I never sell/throw anything away - I'm just a sentimental fool.
heh...you and me both. :wink:
I have now become a pack rat with my systems couldn't get me to give one up now.... Love my Saturn and Dreamcast
i used to have alot... but now i only have:
-a broken gameboy
-sega saturn
that's all.... and i'm happy with em n_n
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
I have now become a pack rat with my systems couldn't get me to give one up now.... Love my Saturn and Dreamcast