Whats your favorite hentai,mines Bible black. :mrgreen:
heh Kroova is into hard core instant classics genre eh? :oops:
Havent seen one i havent liked yet heh heh. :mrgreen:
I think hentai is pretty stupid.

Toss up between Mezzo Forte and Bible Black. I think Mezzo Forte is probably better because of the action scenes.

The only title I've seen was the second episode of Elven Bride, but I've read a few volumes of La BLue Girl.
No favorite as of yet. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
La Blue girl is my Fav at the moment but I am intreaged by all this Bible Black talk... tell me more please... JJ
Cool Devices,Karte,and La Blue Girl
oh god, i love you haruka. :mrgreen:
immortal sisters. hands down :mrgreen:
i don't think of mezzo forte and kite as hentai
thats how every anime should be
Karte, it was just too funny.

I can't believe they edited Karte here in the u.s (Night Shift Nurses) right when he is about to do the really messed up things to those girls it cuts off on each episode some might know what scenes I'm talking about.
l saw Urotsukidojo and man thats bad, l felt so uncomfortable watching that - does that qualify as hentai?? - nomore for me