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Full Version: akira and lupin the 3rd live-action movies? dodgy!
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Live action movies DON'T NEED TO BE MADE! Alot of the time I feel the same way about anime. Confusedweatdrop:

Kubrik's version of "The Shining" is terrible if you read the book before you see it. They completely leave out Jack's sacrifice. He is supposed to die saving his family, not trying to kill them. Confusedweatdrop: Confusedweatdrop: Confusedweatdrop:
I liked King's own mini series remake a lot more.
The one on ABC right?

The one on ABC followed the book perfectly. I like it so much more. The old one drives me insane.
they are gonna kill evangelion, one of my very favorite animes! damn them all to hell!
There has already been a live action Lupin movie, It's OLD! 8O
I dunno if it was ABC, I rented some 2 tape verion which lasted almost 5 hours I think (or 4, don't quite remember).
Btw, if you like King, go see Storm of the Century, great story Smile
That would be the ABC made for TV one, which, by the way, I thought was an excellent version.

I've put a mental note in to see Storm of the Century. :mrgreen:
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