Just wanted to know what you all think of One Piece.
It is one of my many addictions. :mrgreen:
Mine too, VOTE DAMNIT!!!! :evil:
Yes a show that is becoming a new addiction
I say we hunt down the 2 people that voted option 5 and eat their children
[takes out torches]
Quote:Originally posted by "Fairymon"
I say we hunt down the 2 people that voted option 5 and eat their children
[takes out torches]
It's 3 people now. I've heard of it, but haven't actually watched it yet, so I'm 1 of the individuals that voted for option 5. Sorry, don't have any children. :twisted:
But when you do...! [shaking fist shaking fist]
I think option 2 and 3 should be one in the same, it is my addiction but I also must love it, right?
The show is crack.

actually I think haroine would be more acurate.
I am going through withdrawl...
No, there will be more.

actually, its worse than crack, but hey
i love this show!
how many eps does it have so far?
Ive only read it in Shonen jump i wanna get the TV series when i get the money.
It is around the 150 mark now.