Has anybody here seen the Power Stone anime? I was wondering if it was any good. RightStuff has it for $45 for the whole set(6 DVD's) on their weekly specials list. I've also heard that it is dub only. Is that true?
Yep, unfourtunately it is dub only, and a bad dub at that.

Is the series any good, despite the dub? Just curious.
Unfourtunately it is pretty bad. It was actually on tv in the US for a little while. 8O
It was!? Dangit, I still would have liked to have seen it, cause I loved the videogame...oh well...I might be able to rent it. Thanks.

Hmm, Power Stone is dub only? Good thing I didn't buy it.. Ah well, I've been buying too many right stuf bundles lately anyway. Speaking of which, Berserker, last I checked the BGC2040 deal was still going on.. I think that's a better deal for your $ even if it is a tad more expensive.
The price is good, but the dub-only kinda scares me. I think I might wait for something better. :wink:
Come on it's $45, that's right, come on, just a little bit more *Beserker reads that it is a DUB only release. He perks his ears and then scampers off into the woods, and hides under a pile of brush waiting for a better deal*
*continues waiting*

Hey look guys I don't need to turn this into a dub or sub thread *looks for Suzkin* but you have to give a dub a chance. Hell if it weren't for dubs like Slayers and the first 4 seasons of Ranma I might have missed anime altogether. But I am in agreement on Power Stone I go to see it on TV and the Dub's are below par.
I just kinda feel cheated when the sub is not available on the DVD's. I like to have the option of choosing both instead of relying on one, unless that version has not been made yet(usually dub). Sometimes I do like the dubs better for certain series...like for instance *gets ready to run*...I like the dub version of Dragonball Z *starts running* a lot better than the sub.
But a series like Rurouni Kenshin, IMO, the sub is WAY superior.
I hope this isn't trailing to far off into the dub vs. sub territory. :|
You better run alot faster than that, and just for my notes where do you live by the way? :wink:
The dub to Powerstone is complete garbage. It isn't even watchable. Mix Dragonball, Cardcaptors, Yugi Oh, and Pokemon, and you get the lame garbage that is Powerstone. Not to metion that the animation isn't that hot either.


Seriously how could you like the dub for Dragonball over the sub?? :| :|
I live in Mississippi. :mrgreen: No, I'm not a redneck! :lol:
And I like the dub because that is basically all I have been able to watch, on Cartoon Network for sure. :wink: I have a few of the movies on DVD, and I just couldn't stand Goku's Japanese voice. I have been exposed to the dub WAY to much and that is what I like now. :| If I could actually get the sub version of the series I might learn to like it...