Oh my god. That was just so amazing. I couldn't believe what happened. Unfortunately, next season may not happen...they're still talking about doing it, and I'm hoping so, it should be interesting if so.
I mean, Cordie is still in a coma, Conner is no longer Angel's son, and they now own W&H. Things could get really interesting.
Suzakuseikun, my stock in you just went in the same direction the Dow Jones did in the 1930's it has dropped a few 100 pionts....
Angel... next you will be telling me you watch Buffy the vampier slayer the series...
The movie is one thing the series... if you say yes I am selling my stock on you at the opeing bell...

I used to watch buffy the vampire slayer way back when, when I wasnt even into anime. then I stopped for whatever reason and if I look at it now, its just a much of shit. Ive never seen angel but I cant imagine it would be much better, just a big sop with vampires...
Sorry bud, it's one of the few shows I actually watch that's non-anime. Angel, and ER. I used to watch X-Files religiously, but no longer. Besides, how can you not like a series about a frickin' Vampire?
And no, I seriously hate Buffy. There's something about the show that disturbs me to no end.
And Ox, it's spelled "soap". If you don't like it, that's fine, but it doesn't mean ya'll can rag on my opinion.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was cool, but anymore it sucks.
OpOx, you should check out Muffy the Vampire Slayer, I believe it's a porn title.
As for Angel, I caught the tail end of it where Conner was talking to his "new" family. I hadn't watched in a while, & was a bit lost. I think it's going to end up like Buffy for me, and I'll stop watching it for good.
I normally watch a lot of non-anime shows because of my mom. I watch Charmed, which it's THAT bad, but it's not too great either. And, of course there's Gilmore Girls, or whatever, but it's about gay, but I still watch it.
I thought it was Vampire Layer.
Probably is, I didn't pay it much attenstion.
I was walking around the video rental place with my family, & some of the porn titles were in the comidy (bad spelling, yes I know) section.
Batz, you didn't miss anything except for that episode. Angel made a deal with Wolfram and Hart that if he killed Conner, he'd be brought back with a loving family. Hence his new family and the ending.
Ok Suzakuseikun, I will hold my stock on you for the time being, because you watch Angel and not buffy, Of and the correct title of are little porn movie is
"Muffy the Vampire Layer" Look Suzak-chan I want to know if you have watched anyother Vampire shows the way you watch Angel...? I am speaking of Foreve Night.
My dad used to watch that one!
I saw it a few times. I read Anne Rice's novels, and I own Interview with the Vampire (Tom Cruise = Lestat. There's no one better ^_^)
Interview is AWSOME I have it too. I also have Bram Stokers but it's kinda weak.
I have "Dracula - Dead and Loving It!". I recommend it as an accurate and serious portrayal of Count Dracula by none other than Leslie Nielson.
Muffy the vampire layer eh? I might try to find it, or at least download it :mrgreen:
sorry suzaku, if I angered you, I may have to check out angel since all I have seen is the show that spawned it, Buffy the Vampire Slayer...