I just started this series with the first 3 episodes, and man it is awesome. It demonstrates a complete mastery of visual composition and pacing. Every single little motion makes me smile. God, Lime is so hilarious, from her big goofy bells to her squeaky shoes. I can't wait to see more of this. It really bums me out that the sequels are supposed to be horrible.
Btw, I love the english dub. I remember someone saying some character is really annoying in it, but I haven't heard one I don't like yet. The only thing that kind of bugs me is the obvious altering of Hanigata's dialogue to make him not appear overtly homosexual (however, the subs changed this too, as the dubs say exactly what the dub says as far as I can tell from viewing about 5 minutes.)
I wondered if J was as cool as it's predicessors! Now I need to own it! Thanx for bringing this up Vance!
Wait, J has predecessors?
I thought J was the 1st one of the series. DAmn!!! This is 1 more thing I have to buy now. I knew Shibo would never get around to it for another 6 months. Thganks for letting us know Vance. Let me know after you've gone through more than 3 episodes though. I want to make sure before I shell out $45 for it.
Right you are, Vicious.

I'm enjoying Ini D and Slayers though!

I'm glad SMJ is a good rip. I'm sure I'll enjoy it eventually. Right now I'm looking forward to Marmalade Boy, which I'll be watching soon. =)
Ohhhhh man, so much teen depression ahead of you Shibo.

I can hack it, man. I dig shoujo. =)
Alright, up to episode 13. So far the audio/video is flawless. The series itself is awesome. I've just become more and more hooked as it goes. It feels a bit like Love Hina only more serious... Hmm, hard to describe. I most definitely recommend it to everyone though, it's quickly earned a spot as one of the most prized sets in my collection.
the several season are:
Saber Marionette J
Saber Marionette J Again (OVA)
Saber Marionette J to X
Saber Marionette R
Quote:Originally posted by "aurore31"
the several season are:
Saber Marionette J
Saber Marionette J Again (OVA)
Saber Marionette J to X
Saber Marionette R
Is that the order you're supposed to watch them in as well?
SM Girls Saber Marionette R was the original OVA.
Correct Order:
Saber Marionette R
Saber Marionette J
Saber Marionette J Again
Saber Marionette J-X
R in first ?
in the first episode of Saber Marionette J , Lime is waked up by Otaru. I would like to know what is the story of saber marionette R.
thanxs :-)
Saber Marionette R is basically about a time long long ago when Lime and the others were mere children, and well, I've only seen one episode, so my knowledge is limited to that. lol It appears the Marionettes back then are for tournaments of sorts. The fight scenes are totally kawaii. There's an escaped convict (Starface) that the Marionettes get involved with.
i would like to see it, it should be great. thanks :-) Child Lime should be cute!!!!