I was browsing on IGN and it seems that from their multi-format poll, the most anticipated game of E3 is Halo 2.
Personally I can't wait for it. It's gonna rock and you know it
Whaddya think?
Halo 2 been delayed... delayed BIG time... so u wont see much at E3... I cant wait for Doom 3... that game was sneak peaked at E3 last year so it should be pretty close to release during this E3
Also maybe Half-Life 2 is gonna be a good game to watch.
Yeah, I work at Electronics Boutique and we have the game (Halo 2) pencilled in for Feb 2004. I think you'll see some of it at E3 for sure, but it will be someways incomplete. You will sure as hell though see at least one level playing during the video footage.
Doom 3 will be enormous and I just can't wait to see how the XBOX handles it. Thing is, I don't think you'll see it on Microsoft's green beast until November at the earliest.
Half-Life 2 though will be real show stealer, especially considering Valve (the guys who make it), confirmed that they themselves are coding an XBOX version of it.
Oh yeah! Bring on E3!

Yea but let's face NEO GEO coming back to tha states and releashing a 3D version of Samuria Showdown and the news there is going to be a new Baseball Stars game is mouth watering...
Dreaming about the next Halo 2 game next E3 because that is when we will see it. Half-life looks great and is much needed. As for Doom 3 the X-box version is great and all but even the makers are saying they are having to cut out some extras for the x-box version so for me the PC version will be the only way to go...
Oh and check a site like gamespot of slashdot or gamefaqs there views aren't so bias

weatdrop: when it comes to what game will have the most impact
Don't be so cynical dude, you'll see Halo 2 at E3, just wait and see

As far as the Neo-geo revival goes, i'd be very interested to see what system recieves the 3D Samurai Showdown.....
Not trying to be cynical just pissed at Microsoft at delaying Halo for the computer because Halo 2 isn't read yet. Also seeing is one thing now having a playable demo that might be the proof I need.
I was really excited about it at one point but it has been delayed so much that the feeling has worn off, much like it was for me after The Matrix.