I'm trying to decide if I should place my preorder for the R1's of Samurai Deeper Kyo. My question is, do you guys think it's worth buying. I sure hope Steve's seen this, since it seems that he has similar taste in anime.
I'm going to rent this one next time I get to the video store ( if you can believe this I actually found a store that rents nothing but HK anime DVDS!!!). It will probably be the weekend when I get this title. I'll let you know what I think when I see it. :mrgreen:
I would say rent it and then buy it if you like it. that way if you do like it you can buy it and if you dont, then you only wasted 3 or so dollars. you're just lucky you have the option of renting it unlike some pitiful souls like me :mrgreen:
Buy it, I highly recommend it.
I normally buy things anyway. This is giving me the chance to watch anime I don't normally buy just because of tight money. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Even though I like the anime, I would have to say rent it first. It's good but I would still rent it first if I were you...

I have only watched the HK DVD version all the way through once...of course, I will admit, the subs sometimes took meaning away from the series.
Just letting you guys know that I rented the HK for it and wathce the 1st 4 or 5 episodes. It seemed interesting, but I was confused most of the time with the subs and all the different names they were throwing around. Guess I'll have to rent the R! and see how it is.
l say wait for the R1 rip..heheh :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"
I'm going to rent this one next time I get to the video store ( if you can believe this I actually found a store that rents nothing but HK anime DVDS!!!). It will probably be the weekend when I get this title. I'll let you know what I think when I see it. :mrgreen:
I have a store near me that rents R1 Anime DVDs...and tons of them. I was able to get all of Excel Saga, Nadesico and Love Hina for $1 a DVD! Needless to say the ripper in me was doing a lot of work on those 3 series
i fell asleep 3 times watching it. I might have missed something, but I thought the story was decent. Check out the first DVD, definetly, and if you dont like it enough to buy the rest then just sell it on eBay and buy the HK
Someone sold me a fansub and claimed it was a HK, i was mad :evil:
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"
I have a store near me that rents R1 Anime DVDs...and tons of them. I was able to get all of Excel Saga, Nadesico and Love Hina for $1 a DVD! Needless to say the ripper in me was doing a lot of work on those 3 series
That's cheap. The 2 places near me charge $3.50 for 2 days and the other place is $3 for 1 day. Although if I go on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1 of them has a 2 for 1 special.
That box looks damn cool! 8O
About the HK's, the names change again later in the series. I think it was on the 2nd DVD.