05-04-2003, 05:50 AM
05-04-2003, 06:02 AM
it being voted #1 aint make it truely be #1 ;p
05-04-2003, 06:51 AM
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"
it being voted #1 aint make it truely be #1 ;p
Quite trying to slame Zelda.. Just because there is no nudity in it at all. ;op
I think other will agree at least i think its my favorite game series along with Metriod.
05-04-2003, 07:19 AM
being very good and one of the most favorite games of all time, I will give u that
but #1 of all time is just an exaguration ;p
and yea... if there was nudity there, I wouldnt be arguing the point here but playing the game hehe

and yea... if there was nudity there, I wouldnt be arguing the point here but playing the game hehe
05-04-2003, 11:48 AM
Doom definately deserves to be there. It is why the PCs are so advanced. Honestly, if Doom never arrived we wouldn't be quite as advanced in the computer world as we are today. It was the first real game on a pc. And Zelda was the first game to ever have a non-linear game/story to follow and the first game to let you save without a password, AND it was the first game to have a second quest! So those 2 games are Cornerstones in the technology world as we know it!!! :wink:
05-04-2003, 07:39 PM
zelda #1 as if that was a ever doubt... Hell if I recall Gamefaqs had a month long voting conrtest on who was the number one Icon of gaming and the final four was Mario Vs Sonic and Link vs Samus (Metriod) and the champs were Mario Vs Link and Link won the whole thing... So he is the man...
05-04-2003, 08:38 PM
Morgorath, thing is those things are not scientific facts... they are only reflection of the views of people that choose to take part in those polls... shit load of people dont go to their website etc etc...
Only way to rate a game or game series #1 would be through financial gain... and if i was a betting men... I would say that Doom franchise would by far gain more money that Zelda...
hell, final fantasy franchise would blow away those 2 combined (which NONE of those polls/websites even mentioned)... i think FFX sold like 100,000 copies in the first day in japan? or was it more?
anyhow... lets not debate this silly thing... if u like the game, thats fine... I remember you same people talking about Metroid Prime too... it will pass... u will all rediscover the joy of sex and forget the little Linc heh
Oh yea... I think EverQuest grossed in like a billion dollars already... So stuff that in the pipe and smoke it ;p
Only way to rate a game or game series #1 would be through financial gain... and if i was a betting men... I would say that Doom franchise would by far gain more money that Zelda...
hell, final fantasy franchise would blow away those 2 combined (which NONE of those polls/websites even mentioned)... i think FFX sold like 100,000 copies in the first day in japan? or was it more?
anyhow... lets not debate this silly thing... if u like the game, thats fine... I remember you same people talking about Metroid Prime too... it will pass... u will all rediscover the joy of sex and forget the little Linc heh
Oh yea... I think EverQuest grossed in like a billion dollars already... So stuff that in the pipe and smoke it ;p
05-04-2003, 10:20 PM
You can't forget that Dragon Quest is still the Highest selling franchise of all time in Japan. The last one Dragon Quest VII sold well of seven million units in Japan alone.
You can't deny how great the Zelda games are. I actually helped to vote Link to the top at gamefaqs. :mrgreen:
You can't deny how great the Zelda games are. I actually helped to vote Link to the top at gamefaqs. :mrgreen:
05-04-2003, 11:02 PM
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"Don't really want to beat the bush over and over.? But how do scientific or ratings done? They take a small group of people and take what they do and base it to the general public..
Morgorath, thing is those things are not scientific facts... they are only reflection of the views of people that choose to take part in those polls... shit load of people dont go to their website etc etc...
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"
Only way to rate a game or game series #1 would be through financial gain... and if i was a betting men... I would say that Doom franchise would by far gain more money that Zelda...
hell, final fantasy franchise would blow away those 2 combined (which NONE of those polls/websites even mentioned)... i think FFX sold like 100,000 copies in the first day in japan? or was it more?
anyhow... lets not debate this silly thing... if u like the game, thats fine... I remember you same people talking about Metroid Prime too... it will pass... u will all rediscover the joy of sex and forget the little Linc heh
Oh yea... I think EverQuest grossed in like a billion dollars already... So stuff that in the pipe and smoke it ;p
I don't think rating via Financial gain is very good because EverQuest has subscribers that pay each month for services.. etc.. So people keep paying its a steady incoming something that no Stand alone game can go.. And talking about EverQuest.. Ultima Online is probably made more then it has since it has been out 3 years longer then EverQuest and is still going..
And also the Final Fantasy series has always had its up's and down's? (Any one read how FFXI is doing? Since its an online version also) and there will always been those fans .. which probably are the same as liking Zelda. But all that matters is that they voted that series as #1 i just like nintendo winning anything because IMHO they make some of the top quality games.. (And i will always love Metriod Prime.. Along with Metriod Fusion) heck if i had a snes i would probably play Super Metriod again.
05-04-2003, 11:49 PM
Sonic too is a top one! Heck Sega alone in the early 90s held the sports market over everyones head! And Nintendo back then held the RPG market. The big N was always at war for dominance but Sega always held it's ground because of Sonic and Sports Titles, especially Football. Heck, kids down here had Sega Sports Book Covers!!! But Nintendo did have the edge with great titles such as Mario, Final FAntasy, Chrono Trigger, and of course...Zelda! Zelda was also A MAJOR reason I bought a Gameboy! The Links Awakening Game was one of the best Zelda games EVER!!! I played the crap out of that one! My DAD even beat that one!! He also beat both quests on the original NES; so Zelda will always be a top dog in my opinion...( and probably everyones!).