yeah, the creator is obviously some 10 year old kid with nothing better to do all day than rent and watch ninja movies :mrgreen: read the hate mail, the mailers are so serious and appauled at his incorect description of a ninja that it is funny :mrgreen:
That site's been around for a while now, funny stuff

However, the funniest site ever is The layout may be simple, but the content is priceless.
Heh heh, both are funny, but both seem like they are trying to copy seanbaby, the true original master of sardonic humor.
Go to , the site where hilarity starts and ends.
nice I especially like the hate mail section, he just owns them every time :mrgreen:
"I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee)."
That line alone says it all. That first site was hilarious due to it's utter stupidity.
yeah, I sent him some mail commending him on it I will try to post my message if I can find it
here we go :mrgreen:
subject: NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUDE!!!! yor sight is totally awsome, .... finally! someone who actually knows about ninjas, I mean whats this honor crap that those disbelieving hatemailers are talking about. ILL tell you what, A WHOLE LOT OF CRAP!!!
I actually saw a ninja once,he was on this super tall building and I wish I had one of those cameras that can zoom really really far, so I could see him better as he was wailing on his guitar(no doubt because I could hear it all the way from where I was standing!!!!!!)
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly awsome man, keep up the sweet work bro, and I will continue to visit your site... DAILY!!!!!!!!!
heheh, he hasnt replied yet though :mrgreen:
yeah, I read alot of his stuff, and I pretty much copied his style, therefore, since I think that everyone is pretty much inlove with themselves he will love it and I will continue to play along and laugh :mrgreen:
nice, I just read the first story(spelled storie on the page by the way :mrgreen: ) sounds like a great childhood :mrgreen:
lol, u think he really must love ninjas. he gives a new meaning to the word obsessed.