Well, for those who don't know, I do a lot of manga coloring. This right here is the work of me being bored in Keyboarding at school. I'm in love with Lodoss.
Deedlit is one sexy elf chick.
Deedlit will whip your tail too! Good Coloring Suza-san!
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to stay in the lines. :mrgreen:
What's keyboarding class?
and I've wanted to ask for a while, what is your sig from?
Thanks man. :mrgreen:
niceness, I like the shading under the hair and the blushing on the nose and cheeks :mrgreen:
Steve: My sig is from Chobits, the colored manga sections. And Keyboarding is some blow-off class I took. You have to be able to type 35 words per minute to pass the class. I -AVERAGE- 75 to 85 words per minute.
Dark & Ox: Thanks!
very nice, and now I know where your sig is from. :mrgreen: Keyboarding is good for a laugh.
yeah, I knew it looked familiar, I just wasnt used to seeing hideki in color :mrgreen:
Great work
Suzakuseikun, I really need to spend some quality time with my photoshop and a how to book... but the riggers of an actors life must come first... Oh did I tell you guys I got a part in a Japanese play... If I didn't now I have...

being an american? Or speaking japanese? You Gaijin dog you. :mrgreen:
Both I have most of my lines in english but give me a day or two and I''ll post the lines I speak in Japanese
Man, for some reason I thought about the scene in Wayne's World, in which Wayne fights Kasandra's father. Go figure. :wink:
yeah, and in my math book, there is a lesson with an example from waines world, but I forget what it is, and how it relates to what ever it was I was supposed to be learing :mrgreen:
Wayne has that effect. :mrgreen: