If anyone has it please let me know, just wanna borrow it hehe.
I think I have one lying around somewhere... I don't even have the game. I got the booster disk w/ the system. I'll let you know if I find it!
!!!! I sense someone will get a free dvd if they find the booster disc ;P (i think they came with Xbox magazines and some other demo give away stand alone discs....)
if u find it let me know and i will trade u for a dvd

I found it, but it is a little scratched (the crappy paper thing it came in is lost). I'll try it later and let you know if it still works (it should).
It works just fine. Let me know where to send it to!

PMed you my address!
I new Video Game Forum was going to pay off

I'll send it out by Thursday at the latest.
dallaslad, let me know if u sent it out yet ^_^ i am eagarly waiting for it heh
I'll get it out on Saturday... Sorry for taking longer than I expected. I have looked for the cover it was in but can't find it... I'll pack it safely, though
Thanks dallaslad u rock! received it today.
dallaslad, I received the booster disc a while ago and sent u a msg regarding what dvd u want me to send u as a thank you for it, u havent replied... please msg me