twisted finally moved up a rank in the statistics, batz and I were trying to pust at least one line of :twisted: s per post and it finally payed off!
oh well this thread is pretty much meaningless, so let the babble roll on in :mrgreen:
i been tryin to help to but i get no credit

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
oh one cares bout me..~Later dudes~ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
We're here to have some sort of conversation, not boost stats.
yeah, sorry about this thread, it was just that batz and I were playing a sort of game for a while.
HA!!! I snuck online for another post... Oops gotta go again love yas all!!! :twisted:
I wouldn't consider it a game as much as it is, a weird obssession. Whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!!!!
I tend to avoid most of the general discussion forum nowadays, so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. As long as noone messes with my NBA thread that is.
Where is Kit Cloudkicker when you need him? :?
Last I heard he was trying to burn his hair in a Pepsi Commercial! Speaking of relatives to pediphiles, what happened to Jet Li???? 8O :o :twisted:
Something happened to Jet Li details please.... :mrgreen:
Oh I was just playing around Morg! Random Jargon, that's all! Like this: Where's Lavar Burton when you need him? I sure could use some Reading RAinbow knowledge right about now! Like what they do at the crayon factory. And how they make you teleport on Star Trek!
That crazy Lavar Burton puppet stole my soul. That twisted bastard.
