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AV in Taiwan is restricted from shipping DVDs. That means all AV products are on hold.

Also Kakoi, my brother, you might be right about something. ^_^
MI has released Part 1 of DBZ, episodes 1-27.

More from the front when it comes.
Are they holding them because of SARS?

mmmm DBZ mmmmmm 8)
mmmmmmmmm SARS, wait no mmmmmmmmmm DBZ. Yeah that's more like. :mrgreen:

Kudos on calling that one Kakoi :mrgreen:
Oh yeah. You knew it would happen. :mrgreen:
Damn crap let our DBZ go....
Hopefully it's a R2 rip with fansub scripts...
The R2s look so nice. Too bad I don't have $846.99. I would probably snatch it up. An awesome book comes along with it, and you get two brand new Kaiyodo Dragonball figures that can only be had with this set. Too bad MI can't rip the book that comes along with it. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Or can they? Yeah, I hope gets there shipment in soon. They have more backordered pages, than they've had in a while.
I know. I just recieved an order from them a couple days ago. So I won't order again till I finish this stuff up, and who knows when that will be. I just bought Wind Waker so, it is slowly stealing all of my free time. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"

Are they holding them because of SARS?

mmmm DBZ mmmmmm 8)

I think that is the first time I have seen someone use that smiley :mrgreen:

as for the DBZ, I am not a big fan of it, but I might just check into it anyway, just for the hell of it :mrgreen:
Otherwise you can't call yourself an otaku. :mrgreen: hehe

remember friends don't let friends do DBZ. :mrgreen:
yeah, I think out of every anime I have seen, DBZ ranks among the most addictive :mrgreen:
I think DBZ could have been one of the greats if it had have ended at the Freiza saga. The rest was good, but felt like way too much of the same, and dragged out a good anime for far too long.

I personally don't get all the DBZ bashing though. From a technical standpoint it's not very magnificent, but it keeps you consitently entertained and involved, and that's all that really matters for a show built for unwinding.
I wouldnt go that far, when I was watching it(most of the time) I was annoyed at seeing battles linger for so long after they have started. I think that a battle at most should take 3 or 4 episodes or so, preferably less, but the battle against freiza took 3 episodes just for goku to charge up is spirit bomb for god sake. and there are so many flash backs that things just start to get old, and sure I like it but it just drives me away after a while.
The show is terrible. The character designs are plain out ugly. I can't stand Buu at all. It could be very cool, then it turns really stupid with Buu turning people into chocolate. Terrible, it deserves the name Dragged-on Ball Z. :mrgreen:
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