Just to fill you in on some of the news that I've read about from the Boston Con. ADV has announced they have the license to Azumanga Daioh. Bandai announced they have the rights to Witch Hunter Robin. And Pioneer has the rights to Mahoromatic season 2. There were some others, but these were the major ones that interested me.
Can't wait for Azumanga, l'm really excited about getting this title, and With hunter Robin too
BTW I find it odd that the rest of WHR hasn't come out on HK DVD yet... what's up with that.
no way, the voices are to perfect already :mrgreen:
Well I am all ready for Witch Hunter Robin... As for the rest i can live with out for right now... Hey maybe it's just because I'm in Okinawa but what anime series is taking over there in America and don't say it is still DBZ...
Actually, none of those were my favorite announcements from Anime Boston. Magical Shopping Street Abenobashi was one that made me clap.. And Digi Charat made me cheer wildly! =) As far as Azumanga, I gotta say I most likely won't be watching the dub. I *will* be watching the show though. I'd already have bought it if it wasn't one of the things I told Jennifer I wanted for my birthday, which is May 15th. So I gotta wait till then but I got a funny feeling I won't be waiting much longer than that, since I'll either buy it with $ from the folks or receive it.

As far as the most popular series in concerned, it's still Dragon Ball and DBZ.. 5 out of the top 6 best selling DVD's have been Dragon Ball Stuff..Bloodlust is the only other thing up there.. Escaflowne movie sells well, and the new Excel Saga DVD's sell very well as they come out, but sales kinda drop off each month after the Excel Saga fans (myself included) buy the new title. So yeah, DBZ... The series that's really gotten much more popular over the past few months thanks to Cartoon Network is Inu Yasha. I don't think DBZ is in any danger of being knocked from the top slot popularity-wise but there sure were a lot of cosplayers at AB, as well as a lot of merchandise being bought/sold. There was a ton of Digi Charat merchandise as well, but I think that series is more popular with the otaku of the world rather than the mainstream fan, who most likely hasn't seen or heard of the show.
Quote:Originally posted by "morgorath"
Well I am all ready for Witch Hunter Robin... As for the rest i can live with out for right now... Hey maybe it's just because I'm in Okinawa but what anime series is taking over there in America and don't say it is still DBZ...
I don't think DBZ is all that popular anymore. I know I got sick of it awhile back. I asked my brother who's in jr. high about it and he said DBZ's out of style and noone watches it anymore. They basically like anything that comes on Toonami, meaning InuYasha and Kenshin are big now. But, I don't think there is a clear cut favorite right now like DBZ was a few years back.
maybe its just your area, I know that DBZ is still thriving on the youth in my town. oh well I not being a big DBZ fan could care less :mrgreen:
Yu-gi-oh has gained popularity. I can't see why, the show blows serious monkey nuts. ggggggrrgrggrrgggrg BARFFFFFFFFFFFF :mrgreen:
I have to agree with Steve. Yu Gi Oh appears to be the biggest thing now. Who in thier right mind would buy a pack of cards for $5.00?!



Well I bought Magic for $2.95 a booster. Don't even ask how much I was spending on the Mox Pearls.

Yeah, it seems Yu Gi Oh is very popular but I've never seen an episode of it, all I know it makes parents crazy cause their brats kids want a bunch of useless cards.
Make them watch Hikaru no Go and get them to play Go, work their little brains once in a while
That is such a good Idea. Maybe then I could find a decent Goban. :mrgreen:
I've paid $3.25 per pack on Magic, and I'll do it again too! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Inu Yasha now that is a series I really hope takes off in America since Cartoon Network still won't give RAnma 1/2 have a go... ( I hate the oh there is the fan boy service every now and then problem. Hell cut it out or cover them up) I just love the fact she is getting that series on in the states. Kenshin is great too..
I love Inu Yasha. Too bad I have only seen the first thirty episodes. One day I will have enough to get the rest of it. It seems like it is doing well over here. Personally I really don't care it it does or dosen't do well. I will be buying it either way. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Takahashi is one of the other Gods I worship. :mrgreen: