04-18-2003, 12:12 PM
this is my second attempt to post this.
I'm not sure I told you guys, but for a short period of time my one number goal in life was to work up to & eat a cardboard box. I started with a small index carrd, then a sheet of paper, & got halfway through a big index card before giving up.
Also, you know the quote from Vicious about tears of scarlett (sp problem yes I know) wasn't that about blood?
Well, anyways we have a teacher at school who basicly hates kids who want to/or try to be different. Knowing she would be in our class for a visit, that morning I scared a scab off my leg, & used the blood to make three tears on my face, & a smiley on my left knee
. When she saw me she kept stareing, then final came up to me & asked me what is was, & I stright out told her it was blood. Yada Yada Yada, she gave me 2 minutes to wash it off, asked the name of my parents. And I also told her who my sister is :lol: . My sister is in her class & can't stand her. You see my sister, like I, is her own person, & her expression is her earrings. You know the big ones that look like they belong to a person of an African Tribe, well she wears about the same size. But, the teacher also later that day complained to my sister about me getting upset about having to wask it off. Why would I not? God, that woman gets on my nerves. And when my friend Jordan was talking to me infront of her talking about how he feels she was being bias against me, & all. She called him up to the front of the class & started questioning him. And he was very polite, saying yes ma'am, no ma'am, but he was nervus & also rambling. And it ended in her telling him to grow up.
And a few days before this she wanted to take my Magic: The Gathering Cards away because they're not allowed at school. Not allowed at school my @$$, the kids at school taught the deans how to play for God's sake, & then she wants to ask me why I'm being defensive when she standing there telling me a bunch of bullsh!t, & asking my five billion questions. That day ended in her telling us we could build a shrine in school, & worship (some God I've never heard of, it starts with a B or D) for all she cared.
Little did she know right she interupted us we were working on a book of shadows, but that's not demonic anyways.
And this lady teachs sociology(heysi), which in my point of view should teach you how to get a long with different type of people, but all she teaches is how to identify a weirdo, & try to get rid of them. She wants everyone to be what she calls normal, & what we think of as a prep, but what can you expect she thinks of preps as what they were 10 or 20 years ago. When she asked what a prep was one prep stood up & explained themselves, & she's just like that's not a very good describion.
Needless to say I can't wait two years years, so that I can get in her class!
And next time I see her I might as well tell her I also drink blood too, & study certain (witch)crafts, ect ect ect.
But I guess wearing the blood was worth it.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm not sure I told you guys, but for a short period of time my one number goal in life was to work up to & eat a cardboard box. I started with a small index carrd, then a sheet of paper, & got halfway through a big index card before giving up.
Also, you know the quote from Vicious about tears of scarlett (sp problem yes I know) wasn't that about blood?
Well, anyways we have a teacher at school who basicly hates kids who want to/or try to be different. Knowing she would be in our class for a visit, that morning I scared a scab off my leg, & used the blood to make three tears on my face, & a smiley on my left knee

And a few days before this she wanted to take my Magic: The Gathering Cards away because they're not allowed at school. Not allowed at school my @$$, the kids at school taught the deans how to play for God's sake, & then she wants to ask me why I'm being defensive when she standing there telling me a bunch of bullsh!t, & asking my five billion questions. That day ended in her telling us we could build a shrine in school, & worship (some God I've never heard of, it starts with a B or D) for all she cared.
Little did she know right she interupted us we were working on a book of shadows, but that's not demonic anyways.
And this lady teachs sociology(heysi), which in my point of view should teach you how to get a long with different type of people, but all she teaches is how to identify a weirdo, & try to get rid of them. She wants everyone to be what she calls normal, & what we think of as a prep, but what can you expect she thinks of preps as what they were 10 or 20 years ago. When she asked what a prep was one prep stood up & explained themselves, & she's just like that's not a very good describion.
Needless to say I can't wait two years years, so that I can get in her class!
And next time I see her I might as well tell her I also drink blood too, & study certain (witch)crafts, ect ect ect.
But I guess wearing the blood was worth it.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: