I was wondering if anyone has seen this series and if it's worth buying. Also, does it have some comedy in it? I was wondering because rightstuf has a special this week where you buy all 6 R1 DVD's for $60. Sweet deal if it's a decent show.
I have the HK version of Arc the Lad and it's a cool anime. I have not played the video game so I don't know if the story line fallows the video game. But i can tell you that the story line is good\RPG like and $60 English language it's a good deal.
That is a VERY good price! 8O I have heard that the series is kinda dark, so I doubt there will be too much comedy. I have heard that it is based off of Arc the Lad 1 and 2 for Playstation. I still have yet to play through Arc the Lad Collection for PSX so I do not know any of the story yet. I think it's a good buy though...I might try to pick those up as well.

I've never actually played the videogames for it, so that wouldn't have any influence on me. Since you guys recommend it, I might have to pick it up. If I win enough at Poker this week that is.
I just bought a copy from that site.

I guess I'll watch it sometimes after I get through with the games. *is so busy suddenly* Thanks for posting this. I have been looking for a good deal on those. :wink: