its probably been asked before a million times but im still not really sure what happen at the end. does anyone? im interestd in hearing what you guys think about the confusing conclusion, and if possible give some evidence to support your view. what do you think?
I said this a long time ago, I just had to go back and find it.
Quote:Evangelion is a complex series on it's own merits because Anno was literally mentally breaking down while making the series, .. you can see his mental state progress deeper into his own hell as the show goes on. But those complexities can only be taken so far, as the show and movie when looked passed these supposed "complexities" is rather straightforward and answers all the questions that need to be answered. The show and movie can only be so complex as you look into it, because it's such a weird nature on it's own.
Getting back to the death theory.. [That Shinji is killed between episodes 1 and 2 in his first battle with an Angel. Everything from EVA-01 turning Berzerker for the first time to the EoE movie ending is his own interpretation of Hell, and TV episodes 25 and 26 are his Heaven] Shinji didn't take much damage that battle, the head was injured through the eye and back of it, but where is the pilot Located folks, not in the head of the unit eye socket of the unit thats for sure. Other than that, a broken wrist which was regenerated during that same battle.
Evangelion is simply the end of the world lying in the hands of the most unlikely of heros, a boy abandoned by his father only to be called to save the earth by that same man, who in his own perspective is afraid of love and therefore pushes Shinji away, but he loves his son dearly and is proud of him, but fears showing those feelings. Shinji is by no means a complex character, rather one who suffers from lack of self esteem, shyness, rudeness, fear of attachment, fear of the world and depression from his childhood. He is riddled with all these things and than add the burden of saving the world and all mankind to the formula, and when it does Shinji cracks, every episode he falls deeper into his own hell like Gendou.
The meaning of the series? Well, it's not that complex either.. the fate of the world lies in the hands of these children, destroy the angels save man and allow him to evolve to something greater than they are. Man can not allow itself to be whiped out by something other than it's own progress, therefore the angels, although 99.9 percent human, are in the way of mans evolutionary progress. So what does a human do when faced with something it does not want in it's way? Destroy it, so man wages war against the angels, the beings sent to earth to cleanse mankind of it's sins, but man would rather have it done by their own hands.
As far as the movie goes.. the movie takes place in the time span of the last two episodes. While Shinji is moping around and loathing through the entire movie, he's in deep thought finding himself, and when the last two episodes end, is when Shinji decides to return the earth to it's original state, and leaves only Asuka and himself to live (reference to Adam and Eve) to repopulate the earth, to see if mankind can rise to the top again and do things better this time around. Personally I see nothing complex at all about the series and the movie, it's relatively straightforward if you ask me.
Arrghghh... I mustn't... think... of Evangelion... anymore... BLAARGHGHGH
*smashes head against wall repeatedly*
Everyone on earth, but these two messed up kids turns into orange jelly. End of discussion. Oh yeah, the two kids end up drinking the orange jelly and fornicating out of sheer boredom.
Why can't this Anno guy stop tweaking with Evangelion remastered crap and start a new series?
I hate this trendy "What happens at the end of Evangelion" stuff. It's pretty simple. Shinji is put in charge of creating a new world after the Human Instrumental Program thing goes through (haven't watched it in a while). he makes his perfect world. The end.
I hate this trendy "I hate Evangelion cuz it's popular so I'll oversimplify and discount it" crap.
Quote:Originally posted by "Vinny"
I hate this trendy "What happens at the end of Evangelion" stuff. It's pretty simple. Shinji is put in charge of creating a new world after the Human Instrumental Program thing goes through (haven't watched it in a while). he makes his perfect world. The end.
Meh, you're not wrong. But by the same token, Citizen Kane is just about a powerful guy who gets old and dies lonely. Crime and Punishment is just a book about a kid who killed an old woman and got sent to Siberia. Lord of the Rings is about a little guy who gets an evil ring and throws it in a pit to defeat some other guy.
Digging through the details is how we refine our thought. Art taken at face value is worthless.
Man, ploughing through the whole EVA TV series a third time was so bad on the brain that I had to dilute it with Hokuto No Ken eps :mrgreen:
yeah, I know what you mean, after I watch a bunch of anime like that, I have to watch something light hearted like azumanga daioh or irresponsible captain tylor.
Ahh, I just watched Captain Tylor. It was so much more than I was expecting!
I love that series, but think the ending leaves too much unresolved. Oh well, there's still the OVAs. ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by "icenine0"
I hate this trendy "I hate Evangelion cuz it's popular so I'll oversimplify and discount it" crap.
When did I say I hated Evangelion?
Quote:When did I say I hated Evangelion?
Hmmm... sorry. You didn't.
I'm used to hearing people say that Evangelion was nothing more than a crazy man's scribblings as he simultaneously read the bible and smoked some crack; So, I jumped the gun.

Quote:Originally posted by "icenine0"
there's still the OVAs. ^_^
dont count on much, they leave just about as much unsolved as the tv does. bot never fear, they end it in a way that you wont be disapointed! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
yea i get the general gist of "end of evagelion" but i still dont think its as simple as some people like to think. there are so many things that dont make too much sense and loads of religious symbolism scattered throughout. so it seems no one wants to add a theory? well maybe its time for me to forget about evangelion anyway.
on another note the captain tylor ovas are good but not half as good as the series. the first ova is like a movie to finish off the tv series and its pretty damn good. but the other ova (where the animation changes, to my dismay) isnt as good and trys to build up for the final episodes, but doesnt succed in as much glory as the tv series. although its still enjoyable :mrgreen: