04-13-2003, 01:05 PM
04-13-2003, 01:14 PM
Yeah, it was lots of fun, people should stop by more often ^_^
04-13-2003, 06:07 PM
Hey guys! I just wanted to thank everyone for making the first official Import-Anime IRC chat such a great success. Thanks go to shady, Bob McBob, Kakoi Sugoi Yama, soaze, fairuse, Rich2, sideswipe, natsuki, zagatto, vicious, and kakomu for chatting with us, and a big congrats to Shady, Bob McBob, and Kakomu for winning the prizes! Shady won a copy of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, as did Bob McBob, who then pulled off a great trade by trading his copy to Kakomu for his prize, whaich was the Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA! Guys, this wouldn't have worked without all of you, and we hope you had a great time! Stay tuned for our new WEEKLY chats! Times will be announced on the boards, and yes, there will be more prizes!
04-13-2003, 06:59 PM
MAN!!!!! I missed it because of stupid work! I hate my job and should have quit just for the IRC!!! I need a new job anyways! Sorry I missed it guys! I'll make it to one of the next ones I'm sure! :wink:
weatdrop: :|

04-13-2003, 07:08 PM
hey guys how do i go to this chat?
04-13-2003, 07:41 PM
I too missed the chat cause I had to work, ah well, things cost money. I hope I can make it to the next one.
Whats the channel for the chat room again
Whats the channel for the chat room again
04-14-2003, 12:34 AM
Shibo posted a "how to get to the chat" earlier in this thread.
If you're already familiar with IRC, go to /server irc.esper.net (or chocobo.esper.net instead if the first doesn't work) and then /join #Import-Anime. That's it and you're in ^_^
If you're already familiar with IRC, go to /server irc.esper.net (or chocobo.esper.net instead if the first doesn't work) and then /join #Import-Anime. That's it and you're in ^_^
04-14-2003, 05:26 AM
I had gone to it before, but for some reason as I traveled the same path as before, it wouldnt work. it might have been because I was using a crappy school mac laptop at first, but then I switched over to my friends PC and still nothing so I just gave up after a few attempts.
04-14-2003, 05:32 AM
Hey did anyone log the chat? I could post it to the site for people to read and see what went on.. As i also missed it due to it being so late / early morning for me ;o(
04-14-2003, 06:11 AM
I'm pretty sure JJ will be holding a chat next week, maybe he can log that one.. And I'll be running the one in 2 weeks, if someone can explain to this computer dummy how to log it, I will. Schultz, if we can find a time that works for you I'd be happy to schedule the chat later/earlier so you can attend. It'd be cool to have you there. Let me know. =)
04-14-2003, 10:44 AM
Count me in! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
04-14-2003, 01:14 PM
l had problems connecting for some reason, MIrc didn't work either it keep refusing my connection for some reason
04-14-2003, 04:04 PM
i somehow managed to miss this entire thread untill read about it in the news section. i was watching anime in my mates while being stoned off my face at the time so im sure i couldnt have attended but ill be sure to drop by the next one and chat with all you guys, or whoever else decides to turn up.
04-14-2003, 09:24 PM
It was a great time for all! I can't believe other human beings remember the GLORY of Captain N the Game Master! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
04-15-2003, 08:36 AM
I remember that show. I think me and Dark had a whole thread about it a while back.
Too bad I didn't win anything at the chat.
Too bad I didn't win anything at the chat.