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Full Version: He's Back~!
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Yes, I have returned from a little R&R, though unannounced, it seems that nothing has happened that needed editing on these boards, and I'd like to thank you all for that. I've taken some time off for a personal period, pushing myself deeper into my hobby of being the Chaplin of my DeMolay chapter, Clifford C. Reeves in Linkin Park, Michigan. I'm really loving life right now, and my Final Fantasy VII Fanfic/Novel is comming along great!

Just thought I'd give everyone an update! And Kakoi, Dark, I'm not ignoring you guys on AIM, I'm usually working really hard on something and just completely started to ignore every IM that came up.
nice to know. Hope your novel goes well, I like what you have posted here :mrgreen:
Don't worry about it. People have lives! :lol: I just figured you were busy or not there. Tongue
lives.. [b]other[b] than anime! 8O 8O 8O ... you must be joking :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
And you know what? I just now noticed this thread exists! Almost a month late! HA! That's me though : Never on time but I will get there eventually!
yeah, you were probably playing windwaker, but wasnt this a little to early?

yeah in threads you usually dont show up until the 2nd or 3rd page or so. :mrgreen: