I plan on buying the next two One Piece DVDs and Spirted Away as soon as my check decides to appear in the bank account. I'll be getting that spice orange gamecube as well. 8O 8O :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
nice, be sure to get windwaker! I have been having a lot of fun playng through it :mrgreen:
I watched Dark play it for awhile, and that was one of the other pressing reasons I had to get myself a cube. Now I'm just wondering if I should get the japanese copy or the american one? Not like I have the money for it now anyway.


weatdrop: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
hmmmmm... I dont really see much of a difference, all of the cinima scenes have the japanese voices with english subtitles, so the only real difference would be that you would be reading all of what people say in japanese when you are traveling(although they may be better translations) but then on the other hand if you dont feel like practicing your japanese you could always just get the englsih and lazily roam around without a second thought to what you are reading. :mrgreen:
I may get both. That would be the best option. :mrgreen:
yeah, but it would kind of suck if you could not progress at the same pace, you would have to keep on switching between the two and then there are puzzles that are hard enough to do the first time let alone a second.
That is the best part. :mrgreen:
yeah I suppose so with a game with a lot of replay value, but I dont think I would want to face a boss again right after I took 2 hours to beat him the first time.
If I didn't dislike rednecks I would be offended by your comments about the south!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hahahahaha! So you aren't offended by my comments? It is just the way I feel people don't have to like it. I don't care either way. No one will ever change my mind. I'm the only one with the power to do that.
It is nice to see you back Batz. Maybe Steve will come back too. :mrgreen:
yeah I hate rednecks too, what contry do you live in anyway Batz?
I live in good ol pensivain, (as us picsbergers call it :mrgreen: )
yeah, and your from new yowk....
I wonder if southerners hate northerners, or if they just look at us as, strange folk :mrgreen:
For the most part they do. I know from experience. Not all of them are bad, just about.............. 99% of them!

I wouldnt know, in fact I think that I have only been in the south once, maybe twice but I never stayed long.