This is probably old news but i'm still REALLY stoked about it since this is the first time that an anime production has won the oscar award for best animated film. What this hopefully means is that anime in general should hopefully be afforded a higher mainstream profile by this historical win.
Simply superb :lol:

Not to mention it should get another theatrical run, which will help line Studio Ghibli's pockets, and some film snobs who've never watched anime will be compelled to buy the DVD, which can only be a good thing. =)
Note: It also beat DISNEY!!!! That is so awsome!!!! Disney is such a whore for those things and something else beat them at their own game!!!! AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It won?? That's awesome!!!!! Hopefully that means more anime gets theatrical releases here and they actually advertise it.
nice, I am as suprised as anyone, the future is looking bright :mrgreen:
Miyazaki makes excellent movies. It was just a matter of time. :mrgreen:
yeah, I think Grave of the fire flies won some minor award as well, but nothing as prestigous(I know its spelled wrong) as an Oscar award :mrgreen:
it may have beaten disney, but disney released spirited away in the US so it looks like alot of people who arent down with anime will see it as a disney movie. those damn disney bastards know their shit, screwing over the anime industry!
ah yes, I never thought of it that way, those unimformed bastards will take it as disneys work and never look further.
I'm almost positive of it. Because when I went to go watch it on Sunday, there were alot of people there with their little brats. These people didn't strike me as anime types, so I'm sure they thought it was a Disney movie, so they brought their kids to see it.
yeah, that kind of pisses me off(damn disney and its control), I just hope that they still gives miazaki most of the credit.
you do realize there's an award show before the actual show right?
The pre show is for the other "lowly" awards. They are all Academy Awards just I guess the don't warrant the 3 hour show.
Notice how the main show is mostly things that would be mainstream movies.