I just finished the first OVA and was wondering if there are more. I really loved the manga and hope more have been released.
There's an OVA of I''s? Where did you find it, I love the manga and would be love to watch an anime of I''s
There is an I's oav?! I thought I knew everything. I guess NOW I do.

I would say the manga is MUCH better and that the OVA defames the manga. The OVA would be pretty good, but compared to the manga, well...
If you really want to see it, I'm sure there are fansubs. I'm mostly interested because I am hoping that the OVA gets better after the part I've seen.
I's? Is that the same as Y's?
I's is a romantic comedy. :mrgreen:
Well I checkec out the 1st episode of the OVA and it kinda sucks especially if you compare it to the manga. The character designs are differnet and its suppose to be a 2 part OVA, you can't do much in 2 episodes when you consider the manga was 15 volumes long.
Quote:I's is a romantic comedy.
Ooops! My bad.... :mrgreen:

I thought it was going to be longer. The first OVA seemed like a set-up for something much larger than 1 more OVA. That sucks.
Well that kind of pisses me off. I was looking forward to it. Guess I'll just have to get DNA instead. :? :mrgreen: