For all you Trigun lovers who are in the know, how excatly does Trigun Maximum (i'm assuming it's a sequel) follow on from Trigun? You see, I finished watching Trigun sometime ago and I heard that Trigun Maximum would soon be available as a manga. Thing is, does anybody know if it'll be animated or not?
Thanks! :mrgreen:
From what my friend tells me (he collects them), it's just battles with the Gung-Ho guns. There seems to be alot more in the manga then the series.
Actually some of the stuff in maximum has already happened in the anime. It is Trigun Maximum because the company that made Trigun (the first three volumes) went out of business. Yasuhiro Nightow changed the name, because the one company still owned Trigun. Young King Ours bought the rights for it all and now print the first three books. :mrgreen:
so.... I am a trigun lover I guess, never read the manga but I own the anime, should I get it? :? :? :?
So it isn't a sequel. The anime had to finish up so Yasuhiro Nightow had to tell them how the story should end. You should really try to find some of the manga, it is one of my favorites! Nightow says that he is planning on ending it soon last I heard. The last issue of maximum I really got to read was 5. Alot of the same things happen, but differently. Just check it out Duragon. You won't be sorry. :mrgreen:
Indeed, there is no connection other than the name. As a fact, Wolfwood is indeed alive and kicking in the manga. :mrgreen:
I read that Nightow planned to kill him off, but he is such a fan favorite. How could you do that? I can almost guarantee that Nightow still kills him. My biggest beef with the anime is how they changed the order of alot of earlier stories. It is still one of my favorites, I just enjoy the manga more. :mrgreen:
Like how th eFirst episode NEVER happened!!!!!! And The Art also Changes From Gunsmoke to Maximum. Also the Gun is drawn different in the Anime! :wink:
Ok now I will have to read it on are trip up to the Con... Kakoi bring what you got and let me bask in it's glory... Oh and I hope there is a Trigun sequel but man Wolfwood is my Fav... There I go with the Supporting Charcters
Indeed, Wolfwood is the man!

Wolfwood is one of my favorites! I think he is one of everyones favorites. Vash is still my favorite character from that manga though. When the manga changed over to maximum they also got rid of the Furigana to make it more adult. Which is cool and bad at the same time if you don't know alot of kanji (not a problem here). :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks for clearing that up for me Kakoi :mrgreen: . One thing I must ask though is has Nightow made/making other gunplay style anime? Reason being, I just finished Gungrave on PS2 (has character and plot designs by Nightow) and I am really getting into his style.
I saw a short movie a while back of a Trigun game done by nightow. His designs not the show. Which I prefer. Not sure about any new anime by him. Check out the trigun machine. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
i recently borrowed trigun off my mates brother and i am almost finished (wolfwood just bit the dust, and im pissed off about it). i am interested in getting hold of the manga, can anyone tell me who publishes it? and weither its available in trade paperbacks or just in single comics?
Young King Ours. Only in japanese so far. Go here to get them for a good price :mrgreen: